Welcome to John L Colbert Middle School!

Warren Collier
John L Colbert Middle School
Dear JLCMS Family,
It is with great pleasure I write to you as the principal of the John L Colbert Middle School (JLCMS) COBRAS! It is an honor and a blessing to continue working with the Fayetteville Public Schools in this new capacity. I am enthused about the possibilities and look forward to welcoming our first class of students to campus next fall.
I come to you with ten years of experience as an educator as I followed in the footsteps of my grandmother who enjoyed a long career in education. I spent five years as a math teacher, one year as an assistant principal, and most recently served as associate principal for the past four years. I am committed to the pursuit of educational excellence and constantly engage with educational research to stay up-to-date with educational best practices.
This school year, I am working to ensure the building is equipped to serve everyone who will enter the doors. I aspire to create a smooth transition process for students and staff members joining the JLCMS family. In collaboration with future JLCMS teacher leaders, we will develop a school opening plan to ensure student and staff safety and belonging, establish efficient procedures, and build school-wide expectations while embodying the middle school philosophy.
I am truly honored by this opportunity and look forward to the many memories we will make while positively impacting our students.
Warren Collier, Ed.S
John L Colbert Middle School

Ellie Esry
Assistant Principal
John L Colbert Middle School